Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm just doing this cause...

...well, my two awesomest sisters Annie and Tara started blogs, and I can't comment on theirs unless I have one. I think. Either way it goes, here's my blog. As I am at an boring part of life, I'm told blogging is a good waste of time.


Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Aww! Cute title! How's baby Honey-Mary-Arthur doing? Guess what. Dusty got a hold of one of the kittens. Stupid inbred dog. We're hoping he makes it OK.

And you can comment on a blog without a blog, you just do it anonymously, then sign your name.
;) But you don't have to worry about that now, do you!

Tara said...

Haha! Love the name! I'll be interested to see what random things you put on here....