Friday, March 23, 2012

Crochet Spot Holder/Reminders

I can be a bit absentminded sometimes. You want an example? I've been meaning to put up at least 1 post a week for the past year, and my last update was 5 months ago. Anyway, because of this, sometimes my crafting can stuffer. Currently my favorite crafting is of a yarn and hook variety. Yep, I love crochet! But there are times when I put aside a project I'm just messing around with to work on something that is a little more time sensitive. And then I forget about the first project. Then when I find it again, I don't know what hook I was using, and also whether or not stitches have come out, so even if I knew where in the pattern I was, I can't always guarantee that's where I am now. So, I have to get to froggin'! RIP IT! Which can be obnoxious, even if I don't have to take it all out.

Then I saw something on pinterest! WHOA! I (for some reason) didn't pin it, but I somehow remembered to keep an eye out for the supplies.

So, a few weeks ago I was at Hobby Lobby, and I thought to look for these. They did not have them. Sad was I until I walked down the jewelry aisle and found:

Tada! Yay! AAAAND they were half off that week! So, only a dollar a piece. Little obnoxious, but they're gonna get some use! So, I picked the letters I use the most (I love me a G-hook! It's my go-to hook when I'm making up a pattern!) and some of these:

Combined them using a small split ring

And check out their niftyness:

But of course they don't get used all the time, so I found a medium sized split ring (FINE, I stole it off my Swiss Army Knife) put that on my Hook Holder, and now I can keep track of them when not in use.

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